Friday, October 29, 2010


That's what I'm making....



Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm Off To Do Some Sewing...

Tomorrow is destined to be a day of pure sewing. Yes... sewing! I LOVE to sew and am really excited about the little chore I have before me. Donnelly wants to be Dorothy for Halloween. She has never seen the Wizard of Oz and only really wants to be Dorothy because I left the sewing pattern laying around for a little one to find...


What can I say, I love themes! Halloween has never been a big deal for our family. We always made our Halloween costumes when I was a kid and I've always just thrown something together for Ben. Until the twins came along that is. The twins came along the day before Halloween so the holiday has taken on a new meaning for our family. It is just an extension of their birthday! And who doesn't want to dress up and be goofy for a party!?! I still don't go crazy but I like the kids to be... themed. The twins first Halloween was spent in the NICU but the wonderful nurses dressed each baby up in a funny little costume and hat (Liam was a cheetah and Donnelly was a snow leopard of some sort). Our first real Halloween as a family was "Peter Pam". Ben was Captain Hook, Liam was Peter Pan and Donnelly was Tinkerbell. The twins second birthday was fun and low key. Ben was Boba Fett and Liam was Yoda (Star Wars anyone!). When Donnelly turned two she started tooting her own horn. She went as Zoe from Sesame Street, not as Princess Leah as I would have liked. But that's OK. They were all adorable.

This year I was able to get all three kids on board with the Wizard of Oz theme. Donnelly is Doorthy, of course and I gave Ben the choice of any character from the movie. He chose the tin man mostly because he looks like a robot! I decided to do Liam as the scarecrow even though he should really go as one of these little fellows...


Seriously! That's what he looks like!
I'm so excited to get sewing. There's a lot of work to be done... I'd better get started!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Last Hurrah

With school already in full swing and the chill of fall creeping into the air, our little family itched for one last hurrah.


At the beautiful Pacific Coast! Is that not the most beautiful view ever! I love this wonderful little part of the world!

Ben had the day off of school and Erik was off of work, so we bundled the little ones into the car and made the two hour trek to the beach.
We napped on the drive, sipped sweet tea, listened to music from my sister's wedding and enjoyed the wonderful scenery.


Before too long we pulled up to Rumiano Cheese where we sampled yummy cheeses and ate squeaky cheese that was so fresh! It was still warm! I bought enough to bring home and share with the family... and then went back and bought some more!


After a rather sandy lunch on the beach we played.


And played.


And argued.


And played some more.


There was plenty of running with Papa but thankfully no playing in the icy water.


The little ones soon tired but before hitting the road home, we ventured to a little aquarium. We saw a newborn baby manta ray and stuck our hands in the tank to pet little sharks.

There was fun to be had in the mouth of a shark....


And doing our best to surf like a big kahuna.


But before long the wind kicked up and we took our cue to hit the road.


So until next spring, good-bye Pacific Ocean!


We'll all be dreaming of you!

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