Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday and a toddler conversation

Good Friday

Majestic Savior

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree,
that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.
By his wounds you have been healed.
1 Peter 2:24

I cried when I watched this. It is so simple but so powerful. He bore our sin in his body. IN HIS BODY. My Jesus, my Savior never ceases to blow my mind.

I get such a kick out of the twins. It is such a pleasure to watch them get older and gain a firmer grasp on the whole communication thing. Every day I have the privilege of observing them interact with each other in a whole new way.

With words!
Yesterday I witnessed this gem of a conversation between the two of them as Liam sat on the potty and Sissy waited her turn. They both sat, intently looking at a scratch on Liam's knee.

D: Oh owie Weeum!

(Oh Liam! What happened to your poor knee?)

L: Sissy... owie

(I know, its bad Donnelly)

They both poke at Liam's knee a little.

L: MeeMa meeow

(Grandma's cat Boo scratched me)


(Grandma's cat Boo!)

L: Owie... meeow

(It's was really awful...)

D: (Here she just gives him a funny look which I will interpret for you.)

(Well Liam that is what happens when you smack a fourteen year old cat in the face)

L: ....Meeow...

Me: Liam, Grandma's cat scratched your arm. You scratched your knee when you fell in Grandma's garden.

They both just give me one of those looks.

L: (Whips up his sleeve to reveal the real cat scratch)

D: Oh Owie MEEOW!
(Oh Liam! What did Grandma's cat do to your poor arm!?!)

Watching my children grow and learn to truly enjoy and care for each other is one of the greatest blessing I will ever know!

Have a blessed Good Friday!

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